Cover Letter

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to inform you regarding the above Software Apprenticeship. My main goal is to develop my knowledge within Software/Digital Technology industry. From the pioneers of technology such as Steve Jobs to innovators in the modern era such as Elon Musk, I have always kept my finger on the pulse of changes and trends in the field. The reason why I am applying for this Apprenticeship is because I not only wish to expand my knowledge in the field, but also be in a position to offer ideas, alternatives and to originate, effective technology solutions and products that could appear in the marketplace and in the science lab. The apprenticeship own specialisms in coding, development, testing and project management, I believe these sectors will hopefully argument my chances of being successful in my application.

I am currently completing a Level 3 – Creative Media & Technology (Extended Diploma) at City of Westminster College. I believe continuing this course has led me to enhance on a variety of skills and qualities, which will help me in this apprenticeship. Each module was given a desired outcome of creating a pre-production folder. This folder has enabled me to obtain skills such as planning, being flexible with time and project management. As some units are group work, I have gained experience and skills that I can use in all environments to work as a team as well as a group leader. I believe I can bring personal qualities to the table such as creativity, commitment, humor, self-dedication and determination. I am also eager to pushing people to the extra mile, whether it’s perfecting work, motivating, or giving simple advice.

Looking through the job description, I am interested in the problem solving and Algorithm aspect within Software Development. Solving problems and understanding formulas has caught my attention within the apprenticeship. As I have dyslexia, I am fortunate to be able to offer qualities such as seeing enormous quantities of visual data (global visual processing and the detection of impossible figures), pattern recognition and solving problems with an unorthodox approach. I also am gifted with sharp peripheral eyes and I am able to process unique thoughts.

Skills that I’ve developed during my spare time have intrigued me into to understanding how software is created and used for good purpose. These skills include; installing firmware manually (to Android devices), installing operating systems to the opposite platform (OS devices, Windows OS) and installing virtual operating systems. Not only have I learnt how to process these practical activities but also have gained experience in solving problematic issues in the process.

Given the common fact of being surrounded by Software and Technology, I believe this has given me a passion to pursue software development/engineering. With my desire to take on challenges that take me out of my comfort zone, plus a deep passion and desire for digital technology, I feel I will make a valuable contribution to your organisation. I look forward hearing from you.

Your sincerely

Saquib Khan